There is a strange problem with vs2010 professional c#. If I open the vs2010, press ctrl, and then open any c# project from the "Recent Projects", the vs2010 crashed. A dialog tell me that "microsoft visual studio has encountered a problem and needs to close". This is the chinese error information:
问题事件名称: APPCRASH
应用程序名: devenv.exe
应用程序版本: 10.0.30319.1
应用程序时间戳: 4ba1fab3
故障模块名称: kernel32.dll
故障模块版本: 6.1.7600.16850
故障模块时间戳: 4e21132a
异常代码: c0000005
异常偏移: 00042563
OS 版本: 6.1.7600.
区域设置 ID: 2052
The vs2010 can crash anytime if I pressed the ctrl and then do some other actions. If I pressed ctrl, and then debug the project, it crashes. If I pressed ctrl, and then unload project, reload project, it crashes. And so on... Why a ctrl key causes the crash? It's so strange...
My OS is Windows7, and this problem does not happen with vc++ projects.