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I know very little about programming, means what ever learn, i learnt it from the you tube, so in order to explain my problem i am writing every thing so when i get the reply i can understand it.

first i try to download apache, mysql and phpmyadminn but did not succed.

after that i downloaded XAMPP 1.7.7

In XAMPP 1.7.7 I gave this information for my security

MYSQL SECTION: "ROOT" PASSWORD (This line was already there as a heading)

MYSQL super user : root (it was already there so i cant change)
password : bluebus
PhpMyAdmin authentification: http or cokie (i select cokie),
Safe plain password in text file? ((File: C:\xampp\security\security\mysqlrootpasswd.txt): there was a check box i did not click,

XAMPP DIRECTORY PROTECTION (.htaccess) (this line was already there as a heading)

User: bus
Password : bluebuss,
Safe plain password in text file? ((File: C:\xampp\security\security\mysqlrootpasswd.txt): there was a check box i did not click,

after that i went to phpmyadmin

user : root
password: redbus

after this i created a database, DATABASE NAME: CAR,

After this i added a new user for this database, NEW USER NAME: CAR, and password i gave again "redbus", and i created a table,

after this i created a new file in notpad++, the coding is

1. 2.
3. define ('DB_NAME', 'car');
4. define ('DB_USER', 'car');
5. define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'redbus');
6. define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
8. $link= mysql_connect (DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD);

9. if (!$link) {
10. die ('could not connect:' . mysql_error () );
11. }
13. $db_selected=mysql_selected_db (DB_NAME, $link);
15. if (!$db_selected) {
16. die ('cant user' . ':' . mysql_error ());
17. }
19. $value = $_post ['input1'];
21. $sql= "INSERT INTO demo (input1) VALUES ('$value')";
23. if (!mysql_query ($sql)) {
24. die ('error:' . mysql_error () );
25. }
27. mysql_close ();
28. ?>

when i try to run it its give me this error and i dont understand why

[Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'car'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\PhpProject1\index.php on line 8
could not connect:Access denied for user 'malakiarif'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

please help me guys, i try to found out the answer by googling and wasted my whole week but could not find answer, please help me and tell me what i need to correct.

Updated 25-May-12 22:10pm
Mohibur Rashid 26-May-12 4:27am    
did you flush the privileges?
this is the command, if you didnt
flush privileges;

and you also have to make sure that you set privileges to bus for accessing db
arifsuhail 26-May-12 4:53am    
i think i was doing some stupid mistake, as may be cause i dont know much this time what i did in database car, i created a new user name : member and grant him all privillages. so according to this i changed my coding accordingly.... now its like all the things are some but the changes are on line 4 and on line 5 cause i give the new password to my new user too its. redblue... so now the coding is

and i check the privillage for this new user: member as well its says, type-golbal, database specific, privillage-all privillage, grant-yes,

but after running now its showing me this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_selected_db() in C:\xampp\htdocs\PhpProject1\index.php on line 14

arifsuhail 26-May-12 5:04am    
i think i was doing some stupid mistake so this time i added a new user name: member, password: redblue and changed the coding accordingly on line 4 and and five now its look like ......
define ('DB_USER', 'member');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'redblue');
but after running it is giving me the error **Fatal Error:** Call to undefined function mysql_selected_db() in C:\xampp\htdocs\PhpProject1\index.php on line 14
line 14 is $db_selected=mysql_selected_db (DB_NAME, $link);...
thanks for help
Mohibur Rashid 27-May-12 9:18am    
its mysql_select_db not mysql_selected_db
arifsuhail 27-May-12 15:51pm    
thx for reply, yah your are right, thanks for help

bye take care

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