Hi all, I'm using .Net Forms and the JQGrid.
I used to populate the grid like this:
DataTable dtResult =GetFilteredReportData(Convert.ToInt32(ddlparking.SelectedValue));
JQGrid1.DataSource = dtResult;
Get the results from the database in a datatable and then bind it to the grid.
If I do this on Page Load, it works great.
For this page there are some search criteria that needs to be entered then a "Search" button is pressed.
If I take away the binding code from the page load event and put that code in the Search click event nothing gets populated even though when I debug I see the datatable being populated correctly.
If i put the the binding code back into page load event, it will load the grid. AND if I press the "Search" button the results based on the search filters are returned and bound to the grid.
Is there something missing that would allow me to populate the grid just by the button event?