Hi All
Transmission Date : 06/12/12
Magazine # Items Item Dollars
AY 2 82.89
CK 8 210.48
SL 11 343.78
SU 5 104.00
TH 4 94.99
HA 1 21.40
EW 6 246.82
FO 2 179.00
IN 6 202.28
PE 102 5281.75
SI 7 332.20
SM 4 111.70
TD 10 375.49
EE 2 58.00
The totals for account : 2000027331828
Items: 170 Amount: $ 7644.78
Magazine # Items Item Dollars
LV 7 162.00
The totals for account : 2000027331844
Items: 7 Amount: $ 162.00
this is the notepad file. I need to read the Magazine,# Items,Item Dollars from the file and items count should be same and the amount count too.
Likewise there are some files in the folder.
This has to be populated to gridview.
Can anyone help me to do this efficiently.