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i have my table data when writing the select query in the below format

1 jks abc
1 kjs bcde
2 hjd rty

now how can i get the data

1 jks abc,bcde
1 kjs abc,bcde
2 hgd rty

Thanks in advance
DaveAuld 20-Sep-12 2:16am    
That doesn't make much sense? the second one, just has an extra column of data, but doesn't really demonstrate where the data came from, maybe need to edit and redifine your example.

1 solution

see below example
Input Table                 Output Table
------------                --------------
a       b                   a     b
------------                --------
1	a                   1	  a,b
1	b	------>     2	  c
2	c        Query 

select a,substring(b,0,Len(b)) as b from
	select distinct a,
		select b + ',' as [text()] from 
			select 1 as a,'a' as b
			union all
			select 1 as a,'b' as b
			union all
			select 2 as a,'c' as b
		) as tbl_a where tbl_a.a=tbl_b.a
		for xml path('')	
	) as b

		select 1 as a,'a' as b
		union all
		select 1 as a,'b' as b
		union all
		select 2 as a,'c' as b
	) as tbl_b
as tbl_c

follow steps given below for modifying above query as per your table structure
replace underline section with your table-name
a=your columnname e.g. id
b=column name which you want to combine with ','

another example
how to get a single row from a table from multiple rows[^]

Happy Coding!
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Kuthuparakkal 20-Sep-12 2:47am    
nice stuff, my 5+
Aarti Meswania 20-Sep-12 2:48am    
Thank you!

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