Solution found!
See the code below:
textBox_main.Text = "Thinking..."
await Task.Run(() = HuoChess_main.ComputerMove(HuoChess_main.ChessBoard));
I call the RedrawChessboard function and then call the ComputerMove function in an asynchronous manner (
await keyword used). In that way the UI remains responsive and updates as it should, while the computer AI is working...
In order to do that, I should declare the function which contained the abovementioned code with the "
async" keyword, so as to allow it to conduct asynchronous callings.
The MSDN article
Keep the UI thread responsive (Windows Store apps using C#/VB/C++ and XAML) proved really useful!
Thanks also to Sergey for the answer which pointed me to the right direction.
Will post the updated "
Huo Chess" article soon enough!