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I entered 2 dates. Example 01/01/2012 and 01/01/2013 as mm/dd/yyyy format.
I want to calculate date difference between entered date as (this much of)year (this much of)month (this much of)days. Please help me to solve this.
n.podbielski 5-Nov-12 2:58am    
Soooooooo.... You want this in SQL or Javascript?
CSR89 5-Nov-12 3:28am    
n.podbielski 5-Nov-12 4:14am    
You did not wrote which sql you want. If TSQL see answer Aarti.
But I would strongly recommend you to do this in code, not in SQL since it is for data storage not for calculating anything.
MT_ 5-Nov-12 4:58am    
Consider start and end date as '2012-01-10' and '2015-05-21'. query in solution 1 will give result as 21 days,3 years, 40 months.

Query in solution 2(mine) below will give result as 3 year, 4 month, 11 days, which is the correct difference between the two dates.

I believe, you want difference in year, month and date between two days,

The query will go like
select (datepart(yyyy,@firstDate) - datepart(yyyy,@secondDate)) as Diffyear
select (datepart(mm,@firstDate) - datepart(mm,@secondDate)) as DiffMonth
select (datepart(dd,@firstDate) - datepart(dd,@secondDate)) as DiffDays

If you want better user experience for the user, you may want to check whether first date is greater than second date before above query, if second date is greater than first date, you should re-arrange the query to avoid showing -1 year or -2 month or -15 days kind of display.

Hope that helps
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CSR89 5-Nov-12 5:44am    
how can i get the answer as 1year2month15days in a single row?
MT_ 5-Nov-12 5:48am    
very simple. instead of three select, write 1
select (datepart(yyyy,@firstDate) - datepart(yyyy,@secondDate)) as Diffyear,
(datepart(mm,@firstDate) - datepart(mm,@secondDate)) as DiffMonth,
(datepart(dd,@firstDate) - datepart(dd,@secondDate)) as DiffDays

Hope that helps. If it solved your problem, mark it as solution and/or upvote.

Use this javascript
function CalculateDays1() {
        t1 = document.getElementById('Fromdate').value;
        t2 = document.getElementById('Todate').value;
        if (t2 != '' && t1 != '') {
            //Total time for one day
            var one_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
            //Here we need to split the inputed dates to convert them into standard format
            //for furter execution
            var x = t1.split("/");
            var y = t2.split("/");
            //date format(Fullyear,month,date)

            var date1 = new Date(x[2], (x[0] - 1), x[1]);

            var date2 = new Date(y[2], (y[0] - 1), y[1])
            var month1 = x[0] - 1;
            var month2 = y[0] - 1;

            //Calculate difference between the two dates, and convert to days
            _Diff = Math.ceil((date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) / (one_day)) + 1;

            document.getElementById('TextBoxID-where you want to show calucate day').value = _Diff;
            document.getElementById('HiddenFiledID').value = _Diff;

Now just take one hidden field in .aspx page.

<asp:hiddenfield id="totDays1" runat="server" xmlns:asp="#unknown" />
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see below example
select datepart(day,'2012-01-10') as days
select datediff(yyyy,'2012-01-10','2012-01-01') as years
select datediff(m,'2012-01-10','2012-01-01')-(datediff(yyyy,'2012-01-10','2012-01-01')*12) as months

pass parameter like this
select datepart(day,@EndDate) as Days
select datediff(yyyy,@StartDate,@EndDate) as years
select datediff(m,@StartDate,@EndDate)-(datediff(yyyy,@StartDate,@EndDate)*12) as months

Note : Date Format is always yyyy-MM-dd in sql.
Happy Coding!
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CSR89 5-Nov-12 4:03am    
The date entered is dynamic, and the period of date may of any value. The answer here specifies only in a fixed period.
Aarti Meswania 5-Nov-12 4:08am    
see updated solution
n.podbielski 5-Nov-12 4:14am    
Just use declare SQL statement with viariables for those to dates.
CSR89 5-Nov-12 4:31am    
But in the case of leap year what will we do?
Aarti Meswania 5-Nov-12 4:33am    
yes I was also thinking for that
and you will feel smile with this simple answer as I feel when I got it
just check this updated Final solution, As you wished

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