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Hi everybody i have create a program to read an E_mail from Server so when i attempt to extract the attachemetn file and convert it into original base64 it doesn't work
Can someon help me please
joshrduncan2012 13-Nov-12 10:21am    
We can't help you unless you show us what you have done so far so we can better assist where the problem might be.
Christian Graus 13-Nov-12 10:33am    
You should read the guide on how to ask questions. Or just ask yourself, if someone was asking me this, what would I want to know ? Would you expect to be shown code ? Told what 'doesn't work' means ? Your question as it stands is only attractive to people who like insolvable puzzles.

There is no need to "convert it into original base64" — so called "attachment" is an e-mail part usually encoded in base64 already (or it could be just plain text, for text parts), in a multi-part messages. Open any mail block with a plain text editor and see by yourself.

Please see these CodeProject articles:"C%23"[^].

Even if you don't use POP3, you will find the rest of the solution, the one you are missing: how to parse the multipart mail message and extract parts. This way, you can extract "attachments".

And your "does not work" is not informative — if you still cannot resolve it, show your code using "Improve question" above.

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sorry I've forgeot tsend to you the part of so here it is
if (blocMail.IndexOf("Content-Disposition: attachment") != -1)
                       int debut = blocMail.IndexOf("Content-Disposition: attachment");
                       int longeur = blocMail.Length;
                       string pieceJointe = blocMail.Substring(debut);
                       string[] pj = pieceJointe.Split('\n');
                       string[] nomPj = pj[1].Split('"');
                       string nooomPieceJointe = nomPj[1].ToString();
                       int debutPj = pieceJointe.IndexOf(nooomPieceJointe)+nooomPieceJointe.Length+1;

                       int fin = pieceJointe.IndexOf("\n--");
                       string pieceJointee = pieceJointe.Substring(fin);
                       //int debSub = (pieceJointe.Length - debutPj);
                       int finSub = (pieceJointe.Length - fin);
                       int longSub= pieceJointe.Length-(debutPj+finSub );
                       string contenuPieceJointe = pieceJointe.Substring(debutPj,longSub);

                       //string content = blocMail.Substring(debut, fin);

                       contenuPieceJointe = ConversionBase64("\n"+contenuPieceJointe.Trim()+"\n");
                       StreamWriter swPj = new StreamWriter(repertoireMail + "\\" + nooomPieceJointe, false);
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