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In one of the WPF application, I am setting cursor to Wait cursor with below code

Mouse.OverrideCursor = Windows.Input.Cursor.Wait

after some time I want to set it to default cursor.

Though in MSDN cursor class (System.Windows.Input.Cursor) default property is mentioned

I am not able to use it.

Is there any way to set the default cursor like we set in the form using Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default.

Appreciate the answer.


You can do this:
System.Windows.Input.Cursor saveCursor = someFrameworkElement.Cursor;
someFrameworkElement.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

and, at the end
someFrameworkElement.Cursor = saveCursor;

Please also see my article where I show how to use using statement based in System.IDisposable to do such things:
Hourglass Mouse Cursor Always Changes Back to its Original Image. How?[^].

If works for both System.Windows.Forms and WPF.

Also, see more generic alternative to my solution, which I gladly accepted: Hourglass Mouse Cursor Always Changes Back to its Original Image. How?[^].

Is is based on the RAII pattern:[^].

This is something which is very good to know.

Good luck,
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Vijay hit 19-Nov-12 21:52pm    
Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the answer.

Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default din't worked as Default is not appearing in cusors.
I am getting error like default is not a member of cursors.

But your blog helped a lot. I just used your technique of setting Previous and it worked well.

Dim previous as = me.cursor
me.Cursor = cursors.wait

after my task I reset the cursor by
me.cursor = previous.

Thanks again,
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 19-Nov-12 23:37pm    
Sorry, I messed up a bit, edited the sample; thank you for fixing it.
You are very welcome.
Good luck, call again.
You might use an extension method in a public static class

public static void UseWaitCursor(this FrameworkElement fel)
            fel.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { Mouse.OverrideCursor=null; }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);

Then its easy like:

private void MainWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
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