I m trying to overlay an image on a live video.The IDE used is Visual Studio Professional 2010. The code is developed in C++.I m loading the image using a handle i.e.
HANDLE hBitmap;
hBitmap = LoadImage(NULL, L"C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\BMP_Image.bmp",IMAGE_BITMAP, 0,0, LR_LOADFROMFILE );
I have to load this image and overlay it on to the video at a specific location.
I m passing the ID of a picture control, placed on the dialog box in the rc file, to load the live video and display it. I m not using any MFCs in the code. The video is rendered by using Direct 2D mechanism. I overlay the image on to the video using ALPHA BLENDING.
The video resolution is 640*480. and the image resolution is 128*128. If I overlay this image , I will get five times overlayed image.
And the overlayed image will come at(0,0) position of the Picture control.
I have the following doubts:
· How can I get the inside coordinates(x,y) of the picture control???
· How to put the image on picture control with respect to (x,y)?? over the video?
Looking forward for a positive response at the earliest.