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Dear all
Actually i am printing a report by selecting a DATE and the report is being printed for all the records on that DATE.
Now i have a field RATE in my table and i want to calculate the sum of that RATE field based on the criteria (on that date).
My report is being printed without any problem using the below code:-
rs.Open "select * from patients where Receipt_date=#" & Label3.Caption & "#", Con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
       Set DataReport1.DataSource = rs

but i want to calculate the sum of that RATE field based on the criteria (on that date)

i want to put the total sum on a datareport.

Thank you
Updated 3-Dec-12 0:35am
_Vitor Garcia_ 3-Dec-12 4:29am    
What is happening and what do you expected to ?
What is the datatype of Rate Field ?
Does this throw any exception ?
sarfarazbhat 3-Dec-12 6:28am    
Actually i am printing a report by selecting a date and the report is being printed for all the records on that date.
Now i have a field Rate of items and i want to calculate the sum of that rate field based on the criteria (on that date).
My report is being printed without any problem using the below code:-
rs.Open "select * from patients where Receipt_date=#" & Label3.Caption & "#", Con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
Set DataReport1.DataSource = rs
but i want to calculate the sum of that rate field based on the criteria (on that date)
E.F. Nijboer 3-Dec-12 4:43am    
Why not use SQL SUM directly? Using magic numbers is very bad practice -> rs.fields(5), what if the table changes?

Dim x As Integer
Do While Not rs.EOF

x = x + rs.Fields(6).Value

rs.MoveNext Loop

DataReport1.Sections("Section5").Controls("label17").C aption = x Set DataReport1.DataSource = rs DataReport1.Show
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Dear all
I have found the solution to the problem:

Dim x As Integer
Do While Not rs.EOF

  x = x + rs.Fields(6).Value


   DataReport1.Sections("Section5").Controls("label17").Caption = x
        Set DataReport1.DataSource = rs

It solved the problem.
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