ALTER PROCEDURE [vainimarketing].[ppairincome] @key varchar(50) AS BEGIN DECLARE @parent Varchar(50) DECLARE @lcount INT DECLARE @pair INT DECLARE @rcount INT SET NOCOUNT ON; While(@key!='VA251000') Begin Select @parent=ParentId from Tree Where ChildId=@key; Select @pair=TotalPair From Tree where ChildId=@parent; with cte as ( select ChildId, ParentId, position, null lnode, null rnode from Tree where ChildId = @parent union all select t.ChildId, t.ParentId, t.position, ISNULL(cte.lnode, CASE WHEN t.position = 'LEFT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) lnode, ISNULL(cte.rnode, CASE WHEN t.position = 'RIGHT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) rnode from Tree t inner join cte on cte.ChildId = t.ParentId ) select SUM(lnode)LeftNodes,SUM(rnode)RightNodes from cte; set @key=@parent; End END
select @lcount=SUM(lnode)LeftNodes,@rcount=SUM(rnode)RightNodes from cte;
null lnode
0 lnode
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