Hello I created a query which gives me 29 records exactly
select u.Name,u.UserDescription, u.UserEmail, g.GroupDescription
from [GroupMembers] gm
inner join [Users] u
on gm.GroupMemberObjectID = u.UserID
inner join[Groups] g
on g.GroupID = gm.GroupID
where gm.GroupID = 43
and gm.GroupMemberObjectType = 205
order by u.UserDescription
What I would like to do is join my Apps table to the above query but with only the condition where gm.GroupMemberObjectType is 201.
select a.AppDescription
from [GroupMembers] gm
inner join [Apps] a
on a.AppID = gm.GroupMemberObjectID
where gm.GroupMemberObjectType = 201
and gm.GroupID = 43
So my final select should look like this
select u.Name,u.UserDescription, u.UserEmail, g.GroupDescription, a.AppDescription
What I have tried:
When I tried to inner my Apps table to the original query results becomes wrong because the app id is now joining where the object is 205 instead of 201.