"It's a student project"
. . . then your first port of call should be your tutor, he/she needs to know that you are struggling and is in the best position to help you.
"I am in deep trouble"
. . . the worst that can happen is that you will fail this unit. Whilst that might seem devastating at this point in your life, it may guide you taking up a subject that you are more interested in and therefore prepared to devote more of your time to.
Secugen are very keen to help you - try requesting some of their free software to help you get started -
Request Free Software – SecuGen[
Alternatively if you downloaded the SDK from the official site
Software Developer Kits – SecuGen[
^] it will have come with some sample code in VB.NET (and other languages). There are several free conversion tools on-line e.g.
Code Converter C# to VB and VB to C# – Telerik[
Convert VB.NET to/from C# online - Roslyn Code Converter[
Convert VB.NET to C# - A free code conversion tool - developer Fusion[
^] although you will probably need to do some "tidying up" if you use a conversion tool. Hint: Don't just dump the entire code into there.
The advice and comment from @lmoelleb is very appropriate and you should take note of it.
Having captured your data you then need to save it in your SQL database. You haven't told us what the problem is with doing that so we cannot be specific. However, you might find this CodeProject article useful
Beginners guide to accessing SQL Server through C#[
There is even a Code Project article all about using Biometric devices - not exactly the same as yours but the principles remain the same
C# ZKTeco Biometric Device Getting Started[
Always Read The Documentation! Not just for your scanner, but in all things... even the Posting Guidelines for this forum (which you have not followed).
My final piece of advice, put a little effort into making people want to help you. For example:
- DON'T SHOUT! Using all capitals is considered shouting on internet forums - in other words very rude.
- Using all lower case makes you look childish or lazy and makes me think "why should I bother".
- Using text-speak also makes you look lazy and makes it harder for non-native English speakers to understand what you mean. IDK.
If you are still having problems once you have written some code then by all means come back with that code and a specific question and we will do our best to help you. In the meantime it's over to you.