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I'm send rs232 command Hex to temp&humidity sensor follow up manual. but the result not work

Dim data As Byte() = {&H1, &H4, &H0, &H1, &H0, &H1, &H60, &HA}
SerialPort1.Write(data, 0, 8)

Result In manual = 0x131

my program = 01 04 02 01 2B F8 BF

What I have tried:

Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(sender As Object, e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim Count As Integer = SerialPort1.BytesToRead
Dim Buffer(0 To Count - 1) As Byte
Dim Text2Display As String = ""

SerialPort1.Read(Buffer, 0, Count)

For I As Integer = 0 To Buffer.GetUpperBound(0)
Text2Display += Buffer(I).ToString("X2") & " "


End Sub

Private Sub ReceivedText(ByVal [text] As String)

If Me.rtbReceived.InvokeRequired Then
Dim x As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf ReceivedText)
Me.Invoke(x, New Object() {(text)})
Me.rtbReceived.Text &= [text] & vbNewLine
End If

End Sub

End Class
Updated 26-Jun-19 22:53pm
OriginalGriff 28-Jun-19 0:36am    
And that is all you need to know.
It tells you exactly what top send, and what it gives as a response.
It says it's using MODBUS protocol, and explains what the data is.
01 04 02 01 2B F8 BF is correct: look at the "Response Temperature Value from Slave" and the data is all there.
Take your message, check the DA is correct, check the CRC-16 is valid, then you can check the bytes count, and get the temp data.
That's pretty simple stuff (except the CRC, which takes a bit of work, but there are loads of examples of that out there:
for example.

What that looks like is one of these:
1) A floating point number probably recieved least significant byte first,
2) The wrong ports set up - I'd start by double checking the manual for the baud rate and stop bits settings.
3) The data is packaged in some way: it looks like the data you show is STX ByteCount1 ByteCount0, then ByteCount data bytes and possibly a checksum?

Seriously, I'd check the manual, and use HyperTerminal to make sure you can communicate with the device correctly before I started writing code. If you don't you have no idea where problems might be.
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In order to get better help you shoul detail your scenario (possibly including more info about the device). Anyway our Griff already gave you the right suggestion: establish the communication with a terminal emulator program (I would use PuTTY - a free SSH and telnet client for Windows[^]) and the modify your program in order to reproduce a successfull communication.
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