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I have this dynamic query:

            @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
            @archivedate date = '5/1/2019'; 
    E(n) AS(
        SELECT n FROM (VALUES(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0))E(n)
    E2(n) AS(
        SELECT a.n FROM E a, E b
    E4(n) AS(
        SELECT a.n FROM E2 a, E2 b
    cteTally(n) AS(
        SELECT TOP((SELECT TOP (1) COUNT(DISTINCT ratechangedate) datecount
                    FROM MARS_DW.[dbo].[vw_GTMScheduledRateAndPaymentChangesWithAccountNumber_Archive]
                    WHERE ArchiveDate = @archivedate
                    GROUP BY account
                    ORDER BY datecount DESC)) ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) n
        FROM E4
        ,MIN( CASE WHEN index_num = <<index_num>> THEN ratechangedate END) AS [date <<index_num>>]
        ,MIN( CASE WHEN index_num = <<index_num>> THEN new_noterate END)   AS [rate <<index_num>>]' , '<<index_num>>', n)
                FROM cteTally
                ORDER BY n
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
    set @query = 
    N'WITH a AS (
        SELECT a.account,
            dense_rank() OVER ( PARTITION BY a.account ORDER BY ratechangedate) AS index_num,
        FROM MARS_DW.[dbo].[vw_GTMScheduledRateAndPaymentChangesWithAccountNumber_Archive] a
        WHERE archivedate = @date
    SELECT a.account' + @cols + N' 
    FROM a
    GROUP BY a.Account;'
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @query, N'@date datetime', @date = @archivedate;

What I have tried:

I want to remove the `NULL` values and replace it with an empty string I tried just putting `ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),ratechangedate,101),'')` and `ISNULL(new_noterate,'')` in the @query part of the code but I get these errors:

<pre>> Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 10  
> Invalid column name 'ratechangedate'.
> Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 12  
> Invalid column name 'ratechangedate'.
> Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 14  
> Invalid column name 'ratechangedate'.  

> ...... and so on for every other "line" up to a value of 34 .......

Any help would be appreciated.
Updated 9-Jul-19 8:24am

1 solution

I think you are searching for the COALESCE (Transact-SQL)[^] function.

For example:
COALESCE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), a.ratechangedate, 101), '')
COALESCE(a.new_noterate, '')

Note that I qualified column names with table alias 'a', as the real problem here is that the engine does not recognize the column names.
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Member 14525600 9-Jul-19 14:32pm    
Could you provide a more detailed answer?
Maciej Los 9-Jul-19 15:41pm    
Follow the link and there you'll find example usage of the function.
Maciej Los 9-Jul-19 15:41pm    
Short And To The Point!
phil.o 9-Jul-19 17:44pm    
Thanks :)
Member 14525600 9-Jul-19 16:06pm    
Again a more detailed answer will help

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