First thing's first- get rid of the SQL Injection Vulnerability.
NEVER EVER build a query using a bunch of strings cobbled together.
string SessionUserID = Session["User_ID"].ToString();
if (SessionUserID != null) {
string strQryToChkUsrRights = "SELECT HaveRightFor FROM ProjectUserRights WHERE (UserID = @UserID)";
SqlCommand SQLComndToChkUserRights = new SqlCommand(strQryToChkUsrRights, conLog);
SQLComndToChkUserRights.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Now that we have that taken care of... You can retrieve the Session contents back into your datatable.
if (Session["S_User_Rights"] != null) {
DataTable HasRightsFor = (DataTable)Session["S_User_Rights"];
I personally would just use an IEnumerable<list> which would allow you easier checking via LINQ.