Hey all,
I've been wondering about generating random numbers within a certain range for a while.
Recently I've been using something like this a lot:
Dim Generator As New Random
Generator.Next(1, 30)
(this generates numbers ranging from 1 up to and including 29)
In the past I was told to use Rnd and that I needed to call Randomize first, but because I can easily generate a random number within a range with Random I've been using that. It was long ago that I used Rnd and Randomize.
What I'm trying to do is something like this:
I want to shuffle 2 decks of cards as I load a form.
To shuffle one deck I do this:
Dim DeckBefore As New Collection
Dim DeckAfter As New Collection
Dim Position As New Random
Dim ChosenCard As Integer
While DeckBefore.Count > 0
ChosenCard = Position.Next(1, DeckBefore.Count + 1)
End While
Imagine DeckBefore to be a list of cards like this: Ace of Spaces, Two of Spades, Three of Spades .. and so on
DeckAfter could be something like this: Jack of Hearts, Seven of Clubs, Three of Diamonds, King of Spades .. and so on
The problem I encounter is that if I use this code for 2 separate decks, they end up identically (although not the same each time). I understand this has to do with the seed value of the Random, and that is automatically picks the date/time for a seed value if I don't give it one.
All I want really is for my program to order cards "randomly" each time so that a player won't be able to predict (out of the top of his/her head) what card comes next.
any help would be appreciated.