see what is happening here.arraylist is a non generic collection so any type of data can be added and retrieved using its index.
but the list is generic collection so it need to have a specific type and even at the time of retrieval we need to know the type of data to be retrieved.
for the process which you are using.please use some class with the specific property and then add that property to your list.
so in this way ,you will get your data back like
public class mydata
public string country{get;set;}
public List<mydata> objList{get;set;}
now in list--
mydata obj=new mydata();
obj.objList=new List<mydata>();
obj.objList.add(new mydata{country="India"});
now assign this to session
for retrieval--
mydata objlt = (mydata)Session["Key"];
for (int i = 0; i <objlt.objlist.count;>{
please excuse my type mistake and the above code is just my suggestion.