I think you mean "Function Arguments", rather than "Argumentative Functions" - the latter doesn't exist and implies that the functions prefer to shout at each other rather than do anything useful! :laugh:
Function can have arguments, which are values that you can pass into the function for it to process, or they can have no arguments.
To declare a function with arguments, you write the list after the name:
def doubleIt(number)
return number + number
And you can then call it with a different value each time:
If you don't want to pass any values to a function, then you leave the brackets empty:
def showMenu()
print ("Press 1 for Sales")
print ("Press 2 for Accounts")
print ("Press 3 for the operator")
print ("Press 0 to quit")
There are more details here:
Python Functions (def): Definition with Examples[
^] and here:
Python Function Arguments (Default, Keyword and Arbitrary)[