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So I'm new to C# and i've been stuck on this for hours. I tried multiple passings (ViewBag, ViewData and also as a parameter). In my View it says it gets a NullPointerException at the foreach loop.

What I have tried:

this is my Model:
namespace SoPro3.Models
    public class BookingModel
        public int ladestand { get; set; }
        public int fahrstrecke { get; set; }
        public DateTime startzeit { get; set; }
        public DateTime endzeit { get; set; }


this is my Controller:
namespace SoPro3.Controllers
    public class BookingController : Controller
        // GET: /BookingModel/
        public ActionResult Index()
            List<BookingModel> bookings = new List<BookingModel>() {
                new BookingModel
                    ladestand = 10,
                    fahrstrecke = 100,
                    startzeit = new DateTime(2020, 10, 2, 8, 45, 0),
                    endzeit = new DateTime(2020, 10, 2, 12, 45, 0)
                new BookingModel
                    ladestand = 65,
                    fahrstrecke = 340,
                    startzeit = new DateTime(2020, 05, 3, 9, 45, 0),
                    endzeit = new DateTime(2020, 05, 3, 11, 45, 0)
                new BookingModel
                    ladestand = 30,
                    fahrstrecke = 150,
                    startzeit = new DateTime(2020, 09, 15, 22, 45, 0),
                    endzeit = new DateTime(2020, 09, 16, 0, 00, 0)

            return View(bookings);

This is my View:
@model List<SoPro3.Models.BookingModel>

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head lang="en">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/site.css" />

    <h1 class="display-4">Bookings</h1>
    <div class="text-center">

                @foreach (var item in Model)

I tried a few things like changing the model to IEnumeration<t> but it seems not to work aswell.
Updated 5-May-20 3:18am
Richard MacCutchan 4-May-20 15:25pm    
Where does the NullPointerException occur, and which reference variable is the one that is null?
Todor Iliev 5-May-20 8:16am    
As i said it occurs in the foreach loop in my View code. There is only one foreach loop "@foreach (var item in Model)" in line 27, specifically highliting "Model".
Hier is the trace, dont know if it helps:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
AspNetCore.Views_Home_Index.<executeasync>b__13_1() in Index.cshtml
Ladestand Fahrstrecke Startzeit Endzeit @foreach (var item in Model)
@item.ladestand @item.fahrstrecke @item.startzeit @item.endzeitMicrosoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperExecutionContext.SetOutputContentAsync()
AspNetCore.Views_Home_Index.ExecuteAsync() in Index.cshtml
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderPageCoreAsync(IRazorPage page, ViewContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderPageAsync(IRazorPage page, ViewContext context, bool invokeViewStarts)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderAsync(ViewContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ViewExecutor.ExecuteAsync(ViewContext viewContext, string contentType, Nullable<int> statusCode)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ViewExecutor.ExecuteAsync(ViewContext viewContext, string contentType, Nullable<int> statusCode)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ViewExecutor.ExecuteAsync(ActionContext actionContext, IView view, ViewDataDictionary viewData, ITempDataDictionary tempData, string contentType, Nullable<int> statusCode)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ViewResultExecutor.ExecuteAsync(ActionContext context, ViewResult result)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewResult.ExecuteResultAsync(ActionContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<invokenextresultfilterasync>g__Awaited|29_0<tfilter, tfilterasync="">(ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, object state, bool isCompleted)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.Rethrow(ResultExecutedContextSealed context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.ResultNext<tfilter, tfilterasync="">(ref State next, ref Scope scope, ref object state, ref bool isCompleted)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<invokenextresourcefilter>g__Awaited|24_0(ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, object state, bool isCompleted)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.Rethrow(ResourceExecutedContextSealed context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.Next(ref State next, ref Scope scope, ref object state, ref bool isCompleted)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<invokeasync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker, Task task, IDisposable scope)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.<invoke>g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint, Task requestTask, ILogger logger)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.AuthorizationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
Richard MacCutchan 5-May-20 8:42am    
Yes but which reference item is null?
Todor Iliev 5-May-20 8:47am    
the 'Model' which should contain the items
Richard MacCutchan 5-May-20 8:59am    
Where do you initialise the Model variable?

1 solution

As mentioned in comments, after checking out structure of site found that there was an Index view causing issue.
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