In the json response the property "data" is used as a List and in other places in the Json value is null.. How to include both scenario here when I am deserialzing and serializing the json.. without running in to exception A member with the name 'data' already exists. Use the JsonPropertyAttribute to specify another name
//Here is the Json
"adRoots": null,
"allowedTagTypes": [
"canEdit": true,
"filterConfigData": {
"config": [{
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.SearchInProgress",
"title": "Search in Progress",
"type": 5
"data": null,
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.Policies",
"source": {
"definition": "dbo",
"displayColumn": "Name",
"keyColumn": "Id",
"name": "Policies",
"type": 1
"title": "Policies",
"type": 3
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.MACs",
"title": "MAC Addresses",
"type": 1
"data": [{
"name": "Endpoint Closed",
"value": 11
"name": "Endpoint Completed",
"value": 15
"name": "Endpoint Opened",
"value": 10
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.ClientActivityState",
"source": {
"definition": "State",
"displayColumn": "Name",
"keyColumn": "Id",
"name": "ClientActivityState",
"type": 2
"title": "Client Activity State",
"type": 3
"data": [{
"name": "System Alarm",
"value": 3
"name": "System Audit",
"value": 2
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.AceType",
"source": {
"definition": "AceType",
"displayColumn": "Name",
"keyColumn": "Id",
"name": "AceType",
"type": 2
"title": "ACL: ACE Type",
"type": 3
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.AceWho",
"title": "ACL: Trustee",
"type": 1
"data": [{
"name": "Append Data",
"value": 4
"name": "Delete",
"value": 65536
"name": "Execute",
"value": 32
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.AceRights",
"source": {
"definition": "AceRights",
"displayColumn": "Name",
"editor": "ViewModel",
"keyColumn": "Id",
"name": "AceRights",
"type": 2
"title": "ACL: Authorization",
"type": 3
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.FilterTagName",
"title": "Tag Name",
"type": 1
"data": null,
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.ID.FilterTags",
"source": {
"definition": "dbo",
"displayColumn": "Name",
"keyColumn": "Id",
"name": "Tags",
"type": 1
"title": "Tags",
"type": 3
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.Name.EndpointName",
"title": "Endpoint Name",
"type": 1
"data": null,
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.Version.Version",
"title": "Endpoint Version",
"type": 1
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.Platform.Platform",
"title": "Endpoint Platform",
"type": 1
"data": [{
"name": "Desktop",
"value": 1
"name": "Server",
"value": 2
"name": "Unknown",
"value": 0
"extraData": null,
"id": "ELPlatformType",
"source": {
"displayColumn": "Name",
"keyColumn": "Id",
"name": "PlatformType",
"type": 2
"title": "Platform Type",
"type": 3
"extraData": null,
"id": "Endpoints.LastPoll.LastPoll",
"title": "Last Poll Time",
"type": 2
"pagedListItems": null
"forests": null,
"item": {
"disallowed": false,
"editPermissions": 0,
"endpointsCount": 0,
"filter": null,
"id": 404,
"ldapPaths": null,
"name": "tag",
"query": null,
"type": 0
What I have tried:
[JsonProperty("data", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
public List<Datum> Data { get; set; }
[JsonProperty("data", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include)]
private List<Datum> Data2 { set { Data = value; } }