I have a WinForms project that contains a RichTextBox (RTB) written with VB
I have set ShortcutsEnabled = FALSE in the RTB
To use any Spell Checker I am guessing this would need to set to TRUE
That is NOT my question! I have been reading for way more hours than I care to admit
With the understanding that Spell Checking is easy if you have a ASP.Net OR WPF project
Well I don't so here are the three candidates from NuGet NONE of these candidates offer much help
WeCantSpell.Hunspell and
VPKSoft.SpellCheckUtility and
I am not asking for a recommendation
Because I can not find a tutorial and am clueless on how to implement these Add In's with code
As well as NOT knowing if they are compatible with WinForms
I even looked at this CP post
i00 Spell Check and Control Extensions - No Third Party Components Required![
Even if I use NuGet to import the Add In How do I Code in VB to tell the import to check the RTB I am willing to use MS Office 2003 but linking that to the project is a mystery
What I have tried:
NOTHING I have no clue really 30 characters