That's some pretty jumbled code you have there.
Go back a couple of stages, and re-think how you are doing this.
I'd set up an ChargeableItem class containing three properies:
Description String
Cost Decimal
Currency String
And then override the ToString method for that class to return a human readable version:
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"{Description} - {Currency}{Cost}"
End Function
If you set the Tag property of each RadioButton and CheckBox to an instance of the class, you can then access that when they are selected, and your values are ready for you, with no further processing required.
You can even automate the display by using a Panel to hold each "option group" and adding buttons or Checkboxes to that when your form is constructed from a Collection of the class.
Doing it that way means you can hold the "pricing data" in a file or database instead of "hard coding" it into your app - and that means when prices or availability changes, you can reflect that in your app a lot more easily. You can also cope with different currencies very simply to allow foreign visitors to understand costs in their own currency!