Hi, I'm trying to convert columns to rows.
This is my query.
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 1 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_1],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 2 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_2],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 3 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_3],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 4 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_4],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 5 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_5]
FROM (SELECT lg.domainNameID AS [Domain ID], COUNT(*) AS [Fix Count]
FROM tbl_ATT_Request r JOIN
tbl_ATT_Login lg
ON lg.workdayID = r.workdayID
WHERE r.requestCategoryID = 1
GROUP BY lg.domainNameID
) slct
This is the output:
test_1 | test_2 | test_3 | test_4 | test_5
1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1
My Desired output is something like this:
Column 1 | Column2
test_1 | 1
test_2 | 1
test_3 | 0
test_4 | 2
test_5 | 1
What I have tried:
This is what I've tried:
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 1 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_1],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 2 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_2],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 3 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_3],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 4 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_4],
SUM(CASE WHEN [Domain ID] = 5 THEN [Fix Count] ELSE 0 END) as [test_5]
FROM (SELECT lg.domainNameID AS [Domain ID], COUNT(*) AS [Fix Count]
FROM tbl_ATT_Request r JOIN
tbl_ATT_Login lg
ON lg.workdayID = r.workdayID
WHERE r.requestCategoryID = 1
GROUP BY lg.domainNameID
) slct
FOR COLUMN2 IN ([test_1],[test_2],[test_3],[test_4],[test_5])
) unpvt
And this is the error I got:
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
Invalid column name 'test_1'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
Invalid column name 'test_2'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
Invalid column name 'test_3'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
Invalid column name 'test_4'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
Invalid column name 'test_5'.