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  1  <html>
  2  <?php
  3   $servername="localhost";
  4   $username="root";
  5   $password="";
  6   $database="product1";
  7   $conn=mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password,$database);
  8   if(!$conn){
  9       die("Sorry we failed to connect: ".mysqli_connect_error());
 11   }
 12   $sql="SELECT lattitude FROM `item1` WHERE S_no=1;";
 13   $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
 14   //records returned
 15   $num= mysqli_num_rows($result);
 17   //display
 18   if($num>0){
 19   while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
 20       $lat= $row["lattitude"];
 21   }
 22   $conn->close();
 23   ?>
 24  <script >
 25      mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWtzaGl0Y2hhcHJvdCIsImEiOiJjazYwYzU1b2IwNjExM2xzNmtsbWxxNnJ3In0.OvuCCyqVi9T5PYORKfUz4w';
 26  var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
 27    container: 'map',
 28    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10',
 29    center: [75.857727, 22.719568],//[-122.662323, 45.523751], // starting position
 30    zoom: 12
 31  });
 32  // set the bounds of the map
 33  var bounds = [[70, 19], [80, 27]];
 34  map.setMaxBounds(bounds);
 36  // initialize the map canvas to interact with later
 37  var canvas = map.getCanvasContainer();
 39  // an arbitrary start will always be the same
 40  // only the end or destination will change
 41  var start = [75.857727, 22.719568];
 43  // this is where the code for the next step will go
 45  // create a function to make a directions request
 46  function getRoute(end) 
 47  {
 48    // make a directions request using driving profile
 49    // an arbitrary start will always be the same
 50    // only the end or destination will change
 51    var start = [75.857727, 22.719568];
 52    var url = '' + start[0] + ',' + start[1] + ';' + end[0] + ',' + end[1] + '?steps=true&geometries=geojson&access_token=' + mapboxgl.accessToken;
 54    // make an XHR request
 55    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
 56'GET', url, true);
 57    req.onload = function() {
 58      var json = JSON.parse(req.response);
 59      var data = json.routes[0];
 60      var route = data.geometry.coordinates;
 61      var geojson = {
 62        type: 'Feature',
 63        properties: {},
 64        geometry: {
 65          type: 'LineString',
 66          coordinates: route
 67        }
 68      };
 69      // if the route already exists on the map, reset it using setData
 70      if (map.getSource('route')) {
 71        map.getSource('route').setData(geojson);
 72      } else { // otherwise, make a new request
 73        map.addLayer({
 74          id: 'route',
 75          type: 'line',
 76          source: {
 77            type: 'geojson',
 78            data: {
 79              type: 'Feature',
 80              properties: {},
 81              geometry: {
 82                type: 'LineString',
 83                coordinates: geojson
 84              }
 85            }
 86          },
 87          layout: {
 88            'line-join': 'round',
 89            'line-cap': 'round'
 90          },
 91          paint: {
 92            'line-color': '#3887be',
 93            'line-width': 5,
 94            'line-opacity': 0.75
 95          }
 96        });
 97      }
 98      // add turn instructions here at the end
100      // get the sidebar and add the instructions
101      var instructions = document.getElementById('instructions');
102      var steps = data.legs[0].steps;
104      var tripInstructions = [];
105      for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
106      tripInstructions.push('<br><li>' + steps[i].maneuver.instruction) + '</li>';
107    instructions.innerHTML = '<br>Trip duration: ' + Math.floor(data.duration / 60) + ' min 🚴 ' + tripInstructions;
108      }
109    };
110    req.send();
111  }
113  map.on('load', function() {
114    // make an initial directions request that
115    // starts and ends at the same location
116    getRoute(start);
118    // Add starting point to the map
119    map.addLayer({
120      id: 'point',
121      type: 'circle',
122      source: {
123        type: 'geojson',
124        data: {
125          type: 'FeatureCollection',
126          features: [{
127            type: 'Feature',
128            properties: {},
129            geometry: {
130              type: 'Point',
131              coordinates: start
132            }
133          }
134          ]
135        }
136      },
137      paint: {
138        'circle-radius': 10,
139        'circle-color': '#3887be'
140      }
141    });
142    // this is where the code from the next step will go
145    var coords =[
146      <?php
147           echo $lat; 
148           ?>,
149           <?php
150            echo "22.797";
151            ?>
153    ];
154    var end = {
155      type: 'FeatureCollection',
156      features: [{
157        type: 'Feature',
158        properties: {},
159        geometry: {
160          type: 'Point',
161          coordinates: coords
162        }
163      }
164      ]
165    };
166    if (map.getLayer('end')) {
167      map.getSource('end').setData(end);
168    } else {
169      map.addLayer({
170        id: 'end',
171        type: 'circle',
172        source: {
173          type: 'geojson',
174          data: {
175            type: 'FeatureCollection',
176            features: [{
177              type: 'Feature',
178              properties: {},
179              geometry: {
180                type: 'Point',
181                coordinates: coords
182              }
183            }]
184          }
185        },
186        paint: {
187          'circle-radius': 10,
188          'circle-color': '#f30'
189        }
190      });
191    }
192    getRoute(coords);
194  });
196  </script>
197  </html>

What I have tried:

tried a lot still getting same error
Updated 6-Apr-21 0:54am

1 solution

With proper formatting and line counting you can easily see that the block starting at line 18 is missing its closing brace.
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