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I am using jQuery data tables to display data in grid format with EDIT and delete options respectively, and grid having paging with 15 records per page.

I am able to display records using ajax call on grid, here when user click on edit I am redirecting to other page, and after saving record I am redirecting back to grid display page, when I am redirecting back grid is not maintaining current stats, means if I edit record from second page on grid then when I am redirecting back it is going to first page again.

With jQuery datatable I am using saveState:true, this is working 2nd time, but on initial page load this is not working.

What I have tried:

below is My page1 code:

<table id="tblData" class="grid">
                 <th>First Name</th>
                 <th>Last Name</th>
                 <th>Join Date</th>

Below is my Jquery datatable code with ajax call:
           "pageLength": 15,
           "order": [],//default sorting to nothing
           "ajax": {
               "url": '/Display/LoadData',
               "data": { "Id": $('#Id').val() },
               "type": "get",
               "datatype": "json"
           "error": function (xhr) {
           "columns": [

               { "data": "Id", "name": "Id#", "autoWidth": true },
               { "data": "FirstName", "name": "First Name", "autoWidth": true },
               { "data": "LastName", "name": "Last Name", "autoWidth": true },
               { "data": "JoinDate", "name": "Join Date", "autoWidth": true},
               { "data": "Status", "name": "Status", "autoWidth": true },
                   data: null, "render": function (data) {

                       if (data.StatusId == 3 ) {
                           var printPath = urlPath + "Display/Edit/";
                           return '<a  href="' + printPath + '" title="Edit"</a>';
                       return "";
                   data: null, "width": "50px", "render": function (data) {

                       if (data.StatusId == 4) {

                           return "<a href='#' title='Delete' class='fa fa-trash fa-2x text-danger' onclick=Delete('" + data.Id+ "','" )></a>";
                       return "";

Updated 3-May-21 3:19am

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