I have problem testing JsonProcessingException, can someone help me please?
Here is the code I want to test
public Something findSomething(@RequestParam String exampleString) throws CustomExceptionWeb, JsonProcessingException {
CustomClass customClass = objectMapper.readValue(exampleString, CustomClass.class);
return serviceWeb.findBy(customClass);
Here is the test method :
private static final String BASE_URL = "/sample/api/example/find-something";
private MockMvc mvc;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
void expectToThrowWhenParamIsInvalid() throws Exception {
final String ueryParams = "?customFakeName=\"\"name\":\"fakeItTillYouMakeIt\:\"desc\"\"\n";
when(objectMapper.readValue(anyString(), eq(CustomClas.class))).thenThrow(JsonProcessingException.class);
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(BASE_URL + ueryParams);
try {
} catch (NestedServletException e) {
System.out.println("Testing = " + e.getRootCause());
assertTrue(e.getRootCause() instanceof JsonProcessingException);
JsonProcessingException it's printing error :
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException: N/A
I'm trying to send invalid json string so when objectMapper start mapping string to class throw JsonProcessingException error.
What I have tried:
I tried almoast everything.
When I'm testing
, test is ok...