Why don't the variable names which are being posted to...??
$Fname = $_POST['Fname'];
$Lname = $_POST['Lname'];
$Email = $_POST['Email'];
$Pnum = $_POST['Pnum'];
$Bdate = $_POST['Bdate'];
$Pass = $_POST['Pass'];
$Passrepeat = $_POST['Passrepeat'];
...match the variable names which are being used in the INSERT statement?
$query = "insert into users (usersFName, usersLName, usersEMAIL, usersUSERSNAME,usersPNUM, usersBDATE, usersPWD) values ('$usersFName', '$usersLName', '$usersEMAIL', '$usersUSERSNAME','$usersPNUM', '$usersBDATE', '$usersPWD')";
1. The user is posting the values from the web page
2. You are getting those values from the POSTed data and storing in variables
3. Then the INSERT statement should be using those values via the variables, right?
isn't used in the INSERT statement.
is used there.
Why is that?
If you use $Lname (and all the others which are read from
) in the Insert statement I believe it may work.