Buenas he buscado en internet pero no he dado con lo que necesito
He creado 3 grupos de AD en mi dominio de la empresa Grupo 1, Grupo 2 y Grupo3 para manejar por los grupos los autorizos dentro de mi aplicacion web con net core5 y con Identity.
No se como configurar mi clase Startup para que use esos grupos ni que otra configuración hacer para usar los decoradores de [Authorize(Roles = "Grupo1")]
Les agradezco de antemano cualquier ayuda, Gracias
Good I have searched on the internet but I have not found what I need
I have created 3 groups of AD in my domain of the company Group 1, Group 2 and Group3 to manage by the groups I authorize them within my web application with net core5 and with Identity.
I don't know how to configure my Startup class to use those groups or what other configuration to do to use the decorators of [Authorize(Roles = "Group1")]
I thank you in advance for any help, Thank you
What I have tried:
I have no idea how to make the configurations to use the gupos in net core
What I have tried:
I have no idea how to make the configurations to use the gupos in net core
I have no idea how to make the configurations to use the gupos in net core