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I can't figure out how to code for it.I have tried asking

What I have tried:

I have tried searching it up but none of those worked.
Updated 16-Mar-22 23:40pm

Given your other recent question[^], you're not ready for this yet. The question also depends on whether the program will play against you, or whether it will simply allow two people to play against each other.
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Timothy Stone 2021 16-Mar-22 20:45pm    
it would be two people playing against each other but thank you anyway!
Maybe you should start with a simple Java IDE like BlueJ, see: best-java-ides-or-editors[^]

Then try a tutorial like this one with several examples with increasing difficulty:
Tic-tac-toe - Java Game Programming Case Study[^]

Or, if you prefer a video: How to make a simple TIC TAC TOE game in java | BlueJ | Text Based Game | NoobMasterJONA | Java - YouTube[^]
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Here is a Python version, which you could adapt fairly easily:
'''A simple noughts and crosses game

    This is really used as a test of tkinter under Python.
    The actual game and its result are displayed on the screen
    but no scoring is kept.

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.font as tkfont

# Start by defining some constant values

# The diagram will be sized based on these two constants
BOXSIZE = 60                                 # individual square size
MARGIN = BOXSIZE * 2 / 3                     # origin of the game diagram in the canvas

HEIGHT = WIDTH = BOXSIZE * 3 + MARGIN * 2    # width and height of the drawing surface

FONTSIZE = int(-BOXSIZE * 3 / 4)             # size in pixels NB int() must be used here
LINESIZE = FONTSIZE / -8                     # the width of the line drawn through the winning boxes


# matrix to track the filled squares
squares = [
    [0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0]

# a boolean so we know when time is up
game_over = False

def new_game():
    # Reset the program to start a new game

    # clear the matrix
    global squares # make sure we use the correct variable
    squares = [[0 for col in squares[0]] for row in squares]
    # set the start and end points of the lines and draw the boxes
    xy1 = MARGIN
    xy2 = xy1 + BOXSIZE * 3

    # draw the vertical lines
    for x in range(4):
        row = x * BOXSIZE + MARGIN
        canvas.create_line(row, xy1, row, xy2)
    # draw the horizontal lines
    for y in range(4):
        column = y * BOXSIZE + MARGIN
        canvas.create_line(xy1, column, xy2, column)
    global game_over
    game_over = False

def screen_to_square(pos: int) -> int:
    '''Convert the x and y screen coordinates to offsets into the squares matrix
    This works for mouse X or Y co-ordinates since the frame is a
    symmetrical 3 x 3 diagram

    xory = pos - MARGIN # get the X or Y mouse position in the canvas
    xory //= BOXSIZE    # calculate the offset
    if xory < 0 or xory > 2:
        xory = None
    return int(xory) # return the row or column number

def draw_letter(x: int, y: int, XO: str, colour: str) -> None:
    # Draw the X or O on the relevant square"""

    x = MARGIN + x * BOXSIZE + BOXSIZE // 2   # characters are aligned at the centre
    y = MARGIN + y * BOXSIZE + BOXSIZE // 2
    canvas.create_text(x, y, text=XO, font=font, fill=colour)

def draw_line(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, colour: str) -> None:
    # Draw a line across the three completed squares"""

    offset = MARGIN + BOXSIZE // 5   # start point of the line
    # calculate the start and end points of the line
    x1 = x1 * BOXSIZE + offset
    x2 = x2 * BOXSIZE + offset
    y1 = y1 * BOXSIZE + offset
    y2 = y2 * BOXSIZE + offset

    adjustment1 = BOXSIZE // 3      # one third
    adjustment2 = adjustment1 * 2   # two thirds
    if y1 == y2:
        # adjustment for horizontal lines
        x2 += adjustment2
        y1 += adjustment1
        y2 += adjustment1
    elif x1 == x2:
        # adjustment for vertical lines
        y2 += adjustment2
        x1 += adjustment1
        x2 += adjustment1
    elif x1 < x2 and y1 < y2:
        # adjustment for top left to bottom right
        x2 += adjustment2
        y2 += adjustment2
        # adjustment for top right to bottom left
        y1 += adjustment2
        x2 += adjustment2
    canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, width=LINESIZE, fill=colour)
    global game_over
    game_over = True

def on_click(event: tk.Event) -> None:
    # Handle the button click event"""
    if game_over:
    # convert mouse position to relative square
    x = screen_to_square(event.x)
    y = screen_to_square(event.y)
    if x == None or y == None or squares[x][y] != 0:
        return # invalid point or the square is already used

    # select the correct character and colour to draw
    XO = 'X' if event.num == BUTTON_LEFT else 'O'
    colour = 'red' if event.num == BUTTON_LEFT else 'blue'
    squares[x][y] = XO # mark this square in use
    draw_letter(x, y, XO, colour)

    # check for a completed line and mark it if so
    for row in range(3):
        # Check for a horizontal set
        if (squares[row][0] != 0
                and squares[row][1] == squares[row][0]
                and squares[row][2] == squares[row][0]):
            draw_line(row, 0, row, 2, colour)

    for col in range(3):
        # Check for a vertical set
        if (squares[0][col] != 0
                and squares[1][col] == squares[0][col]
                and squares[2][col] == squares[0][col]):
            draw_line(0, col, 2, col, colour)

    if (squares[0][0] != 0
            and squares[1][1] == squares[0][0]
            and squares[2][2] == squares[0][0]):
        # Top left to bottom right
        draw_line(0, 0, 2, 2, colour)
    elif (squares[2][0] != 0
            and squares[1][1] == squares[2][0]
            and squares[0][2] == squares[2][0]):
        # Top right to bottom left
        draw_line(0, 2, 2, 0, colour)

# Start of main program"""
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('Noughts and Crosses')

# The font used to draw the noughts and crosses
font = tkfont.Font(root, size=FONTSIZE, weight=tkfont.BOLD)

restart_button = tk.Button(root, text="New Game", command=new_game)

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT)

canvas.bind("<Button-1>", on_click) # left mouse button
canvas.bind("<Button-3>", on_click) # right mouse button

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I can't figure out how to code for it.I have tried asking

As programmer, your job is not getting a solution all cooked by asking, your job is creating, and you can ask questions to help you figuring out parts of the problem.
Fist step
Collect information about the problem:
- What is the shape of play field, size, how it will translate in program ?
- What are the rules of game ?
- What is a valid move ?
- What is a winner move ?
- Play games to ensure you understand the game and check if your information is correct.
- Write down a scenario of users interaction with the program (See UML graphs).

Note that, as a learner, you get very known problems with a lot of solutions online. Searching/asking for all cooked solutions will defeat the purpose of homework which is practicing the art of creating your own solution.
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