Hi William,
It seems their knowledgebase article has all the details here:
Text - A guide to Telegram.Bot library[
For language, VB.NET to C# should be relatively easy for few lines of code. Either you can do it manually (looks pretty straight forward on what are the steps and API) OR you can choose to use a converter (like
Code Converter C# to VB and VB to C# – Telerik[
^] ) to get some basic conversion.
Message message = await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: chatId,
text: "Trying *all the parameters* of `sendMessage` method",
parseMode: ParseMode.MarkdownV2,
disableNotification: true,
replyToMessageId: update.Message.MessageId,
replyMarkup: new InlineKeyboardMarkup(
"Check sendMessage method",
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
Try out!