Actually, I am trying to display the data into a crystal report table and on graph. so please tell me if I have created one xyz.rpt file and create one table and graph structure inside this report. How to use these structures multiple times in my report. Suppose I have a student table and this table contains data of multiple class for example I have two classes data class 8 and class 9. In this situation all the data of the both class are displaying in a single table and single graph. but I am trying to display the class 8 data into a table after that my table terminates here and display graph for class 8 after that in second loop class 8 display in another table which comes after the first graph with the help of same table structure and then display the graph for this class.
What I have tried:
<pre>Here is my code, Which display all data into single table and single graph..
dtoverall = DbClass.getdata(CommandType.Text, "select vn.VelocityNormalX VNX,vn.VelocityNormalY VNY,vn.VelocityNormalZ VNZ,vn.Unit VNU, vn.SampleTimeVN VNT,an.AccelerationNormalX ANX,an.AccelerationNormalY ANY,an.AccelerationNormalZ ANZ,an.Unit ANU from vel_normal_overall vn left join acc_normal_overall an on vn.SampleTimeVN = an.SampleTimeAN where vn.SampleTimeVN between '" + SubTime + "' and '" + CurrTime + "' and vn.sensorid = '" + SensorNo + "'");
if (dtoverall.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow drtime in dtoverall.Rows)
convertedtime = timechange.IndianTime(Convert.ToString(drtime["VNT"]));
string loc = FName + "/" + AName + "/" + TName + "/" + MName + "/" + PName;
Overallall.Rows.Add(convertedtime, Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(drtime["VNX"]),3))+Convert.ToString(drtime["VNU"]), Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(drtime["VNY"]), 3)) + Convert.ToString(drtime["VNU"]), Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(drtime["VNZ"]), 3)) + Convert.ToString(drtime["VNU"]), Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(drtime["ANX"]), 3)) + Convert.ToString(drtime["ANU"]), Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(drtime["ANX"]), 3)) + Convert.ToString(drtime["ANU"]), Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(drtime["ANX"]), 3)) + Convert.ToString(drtime["ANU"]), loc);
CrysRptViewer.ReportSource = crptall;