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I have an issue that if I use DataTables Ajax render function for a conditional column it duplicates each row in table.

If I remove the below line then it works fine, but after adding this every row is displayed twice.

                        "data": null,
                render: function(data, type, row) { 
                var disc = row.ispercent == 0 ? :'%';            
                return disc; 

Please help, thanks in advance.

What I have tried:

       var sessionid = $("#sessionid").val();
       var classid = $(this).val();
               url : "<?php echo site_url('Ajax/getStuDiscByClassID'); ?>",
               method : "POST",
               mydata : {sessionid: sessionid, classid: classid},
               async : true,
               dataType : 'json',
               success: function(mydata)
           destroy: true,
           data : data,
           columns: [
                   { data: "id"},
                   {data: "studentname"},
                    { data: 'fathername'},
                       "data": null,

               render: function(data, type, row) {
               var disc = row.ispercent == 0 ? :'%';
               return disc;
               dom: 'Blfrtip',
               buttons: [

               search: true
           return false;
Updated 22-Jun-22 21:31pm
[no name] 23-Jun-22 1:49am    

the line " data : data, " is init for your data contents,
and " render: " is made for display too.

one error you did : using 'data' keyword as a var name.
you now have problems to debug, because of a mischoosen name of var.

keep in mind some keywords native must be kept as 'protected'. let them for the language you use. ( native already )

one other trick :
var disc = .......
could be only :
return row.ispercent == 0 ? :'%';
nyt1972 23-Jun-22 2:33am    
Thanks dear the problem was in sql query, it was not duplicating in sql but in codeigniter I have to use distinct which resolved the problem.

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