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I've made a program that counts, how many words in a text file. And it counts the accurance of a given word in the given text file. The first method that counts the words in the text file is working completely fine, but when the program reaches the method number 2 (frequency) it craches. Can anybody tell me, what I have done wrongly.

When I play the program and it reaches the second method, I get this error "in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.base/java.util.Scanner.throwFor(
at java.base/
at TextAnalysis22.main("

Thanks in advance!

What I have tried:

import java.util.*;

public class TextAnalysis22 {

	public static void main(String[] args) 
			throws FileNotFoundException {
		Scanner console = new Scanner (;
		Scanner data = fileName(console);
		int count = 0;
		while(data.hasNext()) {
			String word =;
		System.out.println("The number of words in the given file is " + count);
	public static Scanner fileName (Scanner console)
	throws FileNotFoundException{
System.out.println("Enter the path of the file to count the words");
File input = new File(console.nextLine());
while(!input.canRead()) {
	System.out.println("The given file is not found. Try again.");
	System.out.println("Enter the path of the file");
	 input = new File(console.nextLine());
	return new Scanner(input);

public static int frequency(String a,String s) {
	  System.out.println("Enter the word to be Searched");
	  int counter = 0;
	  String [] words = null;
	  while(a!=null) {
		  words = a.split(" ");
		  for (String word : words) {
			  if(word.equals(s)) {
				  counter ++;
				  System.out.println("The given word is present for "+counter+ " Times in the file");
	return counter;
Updated 10-Oct-22 4:04am
Member 8428760 10-Oct-22 18:52pm    
frequency(,; has nothing at this point.

1 solution

Probably because you only call frequency once HasNext returns false - and then you try to call next to get another element on a stream you know has nothing to get ...

I'd strongly suggest that You go back to eth original assignment and think about what you are supposed to be doing: unless you store your words as they come in, you will have to process the file multiple times to do what you appear to be attempting.
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ShadyGhabour 10-Oct-22 13:10pm    
The assignment say the following, so I don’t know, if I do it correctly ☹️
“ Problem 4 [35%]: [Text anlysis] We want to write a program which allows to analyse texts.
Write a class TextAnalysis22 which reads a text file and allows some text mining. Concretely the program has to support
• the number of words.
• checking how often a word is contained in the text. This is case-sensitive.
public int wordCount() // returns the number of words in the file public int frequency(String word) // returns the number of occurrences
// of "word" in the text (case-sensitive).
How would u solve it?
OriginalGriff 10-Oct-22 13:16pm    
I'd follow the - pretty explicit - instructions: create a class, give it a constructor which reads a file into words that you store (hint: does Java have a Dictionary class?)
Then add a method that returns the frequency of a given word.
Then add a method that returns the number of words (I'd probably have two: one for unique words, one for total words).

Try it on paper manually - you'll get ethe idea.

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