Hello to everybody! Can you guys help me? I'm using VB.NET and an MS Access database to build an ordering system. In order to remind the user to fill out all fields, I wanted to include a message box, but I'm not sure where to put it. This is my code; all text boxes must have the required information in before they may submit. Please be gentle with me; I'm a beginner. Thankyou.
What I have tried:
ds = New DataSet
adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("insert into [tblaccts] ([USERNAME],[PASSWORD],[STORE NAME], [IMAGE PATH]) VALUES " &
"('" & usr1.Text & "','" & password1.Text & "','" & storeName.Text & "','" & imagepath.Text & "')", conn)
adapter.Fill(ds, "tblaccts")
PictureBox1.Image = Nothing