Hello members of the programming technorati. I come to you with an issue that I cannot seem to solve. I am trying to insert encrypted data into a mariadb table with no success. here is the code:
$insert_sql= "insert into loan_tbl
set clientID = '".$clientID."',
loanID ='".$loanID."',
ewal_addr ='".$ewal_addr."',
etitle ='".$etitle."',
efname ='".$efname."',
elname ='".$elname."',
emarital_stat = '".$emarital_stat."',
eEmail ='".$eEmail."',
ephone ='".$ephone."',
edob_mon ='".$edob_mon."',
edob_day ='".$edob_day."',
edob_yr ='".$edob_yr."',
eaddr1 ='".$eaddr1."',
eaddr2 ='".$eaddr2."',
ecity ='".$ecity."',
estate ='".$estate."',
ezipcode= '".$ezipcode."',
ecountry ='".$ecountry."',
ejob_title ='".$ejob_title."',
eEmployer ='".$eEmployer."',
eyrs_at_job ='".$eyrs_at_job."',
emon_income = '".$emon_income."',
erent_mort ='".$erent_mort."',
eques_money_for_exp ='".$eques_money_for_exp."',
eques_retire ='".$eques_retire."',
eques_debt_paid_off ='".$eques_debt_paid_off."',
eques_cover_exp ='".$eques_cover_exp."',
eques_talk_fin_adv ='".$eques_talk_fin_adv."',
eques_big_buy ='".$eques_big_buy."',
eques_15_retire ='".$eques_15_retire."',
eques_paid_off_home ='".$eques_paid_off_home."',
eform_fact ='".$eform_fact."' ";
If ($insert_sql === TRUE){
echo "Table has been updated!";
echo "ERROR updating loan_tbl!";
What I have tried:
I have tested the encrypt and decrypt php code successfully. the encrypted data is not long; about 20 characters.but I just can't get the information into mariadb. I connect to the database successfully. but I cant insert the data into the table. Please advise.
thanks in advance.