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Hello. I am trying to implement tcp server and client. My client close connection after every data transfer. When I run my server against my client there is no problem, but when trying to run against netcat it blocks on accept(). Where is my logic broken?

Here is the code:
// Compile with:
// $ g++ tcp_server_heartbeat.cpp -o serv_timer -lpthread

#include <pthread.h>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define INDEX_ZERO ( 0 )
#define INDEX_ONE  ( 1 )
#define ZERO_BUF( buffer ) ( memset(buffer, 0, HEARTBEAT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_BYTES ) )
#define SA struct sockaddr

#define TIMER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS ( 500 )
#define MAX_TIMER_TICKS ( 15 )


#define NETCAT_LINE_FEED ( '\n' ) 
#define BACKLOG 5
// Function prototypes

void* tcp_server_thread_cb(void* param);
void* timer_thread_cb(void* param);
void tcp_server_send_packet(const char* ip, int port, uint8_t* payload, size_t len, bool await_response);

//Global variables accross server thread

int serv_sock;

// Global variables accross different threads
std::atomic<uint16_t> timer_ticks(0);

// Thread argument typedefs
typedef struct {
    uint16_t limit;
} timer_thread_args;

typedef struct {
    const char* ip;
    int port;
} tcp_server_thread_args;

// Timer thread callback
void* timer_thread_cb(void *param)
    while ( true ) 
        std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(TIMER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS) );
        if ( timer_ticks >= ((timer_thread_args *)param)->limit )
            printf("Timeout, entering FAIL SAFE STATE!\n"); // In production will may execute the "Enter Fail Safe State" only once, but here we want intrusive output log.

    return nullptr;

// TCP Server init

bool init_server(const char* ip, int port)
    struct sockaddr_in server;
    server.sin_family      = AF_INET;
    server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
    server.sin_port        = htons(port);
    socklen_t servaddr_len = sizeof(server);
    if ( ( serv_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ) < 0 ) // If socket creation fails, goto finalize
        goto finalize;

    if(bind(serv_sock,(SA*)&server, servaddr_len) != 0)
        printf("Binding failed...\n");
        perror("bind(): "); 
        goto finalize;
        if ((listen(serv_sock, BACKLOG)) != 0) 
            printf("Listen failed...\n");
            goto finalize;
            printf("Server listening at port: %d..\n", port);
            return true;

    return false;


// TCP Server send packet
void tcp_server_send_packet(const char* ip, int port, uint8_t* payload, size_t len, bool await_response)
    struct sockaddr_in client;
    int client_sock;
    socklen_t cli_len = sizeof(client);
    size_t recv_ret;
    int send_res;
    client_sock = accept(serv_sock, (SA*)&client,&cli_len );

    if(client_sock < 0)
        goto finalize;

    //Set client socket to non blocking
    fcntl(client_sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
    //Send heartbeat payload to client 
    send_res = send(client_sock, payload, len, 0);
    if(send_res < 0)
        //If sent is unsuccessfull close the connection and retry because function is in while loop 
        perror("send(): ");
        goto finalize;
    //Zero the buffer
    ZERO_BUF( payload );

    //Receive client response in this case the heartbeat
    recv_ret = recv(client_sock, payload, len, 0);

    //Check if there is no response 
    if(recv_ret < 0)
        //Go to finalize to close the connection
        goto finalize;

    //Check is this the heartbeat payload size
        printf("Recv() %lu bytes from client.\n", recv_ret);
        for ( int i = 0; i < recv_ret; i++ )
            printf( "<--- payload[%d] = %c\n", i, payload[i] );

        //Check is this the heartbeat payload
        if ( payload[INDEX_ZERO] == HEARTBEAT_CLIENT_TO_SERVER) // If the client responds with client-to-server heartbeat, reset the timer
            timer_ticks = 0; // Reset the timer
            printf("Recv() HEARTBEAT_CLIENT_TO_SERVER and now will reset the timer.\n");

            //No need to send again the same response only reset the timer 

        printf("Recv() could not receive a heartbeat from the client, returned: %ld\n", recv_ret);
        goto finalize; // In all cases, proceed to finalize


// TCP Server thread callback
void* tcp_server_thread_cb(void* param)
    while(! init_server(((tcp_server_thread_args *)param)->ip, ((tcp_server_thread_args *)param)->port))
        printf("Trying to init the server\n");
    uint8_t payload[HEARTBEAT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_BYTES]  = { 0 }; 

    while ( true )
        // Send the server-to-client heartbeat
        payload[INDEX_ONE] = NETCAT_LINE_FEED;

        tcp_server_send_packet( ((tcp_server_thread_args *)param)->ip, ((tcp_server_thread_args *)param)->port, payload, HEARTBEAT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_BYTES, true );
        std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds(1) ); // One seconds delay for comfortable log observation...

    return nullptr;

int main (void)
    cpu_set_t cpuset;
    timer_thread_args timer_thread_args_obj = { .limit = MAX_TIMER_TICKS };
    tcp_server_thread_args tcp_server_thread_args_obj = { .ip = "", .port = 5505 };

    pthread_t timer_thread;
    pthread_t tcp_server_thread;

    pthread_create( &timer_thread, 0, timer_thread_cb,  (void *)&timer_thread_args_obj );
    pthread_create( &tcp_server_thread, 0, tcp_server_thread_cb,  (void *)&tcp_server_thread_args_obj );

    int s;
    CPU_SET(2, &cpuset);
    s = pthread_setaffinity_np(timer_thread, sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset);
    if (s != 0)
        printf("FATAL: Could not set CPU core affinity for the timer thread...\n");

    CPU_SET(3, &cpuset);
    s = pthread_setaffinity_np(tcp_server_thread, sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset);
    if (s != 0)
        printf("FATAL: Could not set CPU core affinity for the tcp client thread...\n");

    pthread_join( timer_thread, nullptr );
    pthread_join( tcp_server_thread, nullptr );
    return 0;

What I have tried:

I think I must somehow call accept() if there is no client open client socket, but with getsockopt() I don't achieve success.
Updated 9-Nov-22 5:14am
k5054 8-Nov-22 9:04am    
How are you invoking netcat? The issue might be on that side rather than the code presented here.
Деян Цонев 8-Nov-22 9:46am    
With command nc localhost portnumb
k5054 8-Nov-22 10:09am    
If you're trying to connect your client to netcat, then netcat needs to be in listen mode nc -l localhost portnum
Деян Цонев 8-Nov-22 10:20am    
Netcat is the client in my case, not the server. Thanks.

1 solution

Your tcp_server_send_packet() function builds and tears down a connection for every "heartbeat" packet. That might not be what you intend.

netcat does not timeout a closed connection, but you can get it to do so by adding an idle timeout e.g
nc -l 0.1 localhost 5050
If I do that, I get an s sent by the server, then the connection ends. Only you can tell if that's the correct behaviour or not.
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