I have HTML form, contains a few text area fields, no problem in submitting the form data to an sql server, then retrieving this data again, no problem..
The problem occurs when I use the 'ENTER' keyboard button while I'm typing the text in the text area, the data is submitted normally in the sql database table, BUT can't be retrieved..
When I deleted the line break in the database table, it retrieved normally!
What I have tried:
1- I tried to change the textarea tag with input tag, it's not working
2- I tried to change the table column collation, not working
<span>Improvement</span><br><textarea name='imprv_$x' id='imprvid_$x' oninput='imprvinp()' disabled></textarea><br><div class='editcls'><button type='button' name='' id='' class='ideagenbutcls' onclick='imprvedit_$x()'>Edit</button><input type='submit' name='imprvsave_$x' id='imprvsaveid_$x' value='Save' class='ideagenbutcls' disabled></div>
Any idea?
Thank you in advance