I'm currently watching tutorials to build projects as I'm still not in a phase where I can carve a project that I want all on my own.
Currently, working on a snake game.
let speed = 2;
let lastPaintTime = 0;
function main(ctime) {
if ((ctime - lastPaintTime) / 1000 < 1 / speed) {
lastPaintTime = ctime;
My confusion:
"If condition" should never be checked on this code. Because:
1) window.requestAnimationFrame(main): It calls main function.
2) At the very first line of main function, it again calls main function. So the control should go to main function and forever it should keep calling itself.
3) The if condition should never be checked.
But I asked chatGPT, and it says that if condition will be executed.
It says that it doesn't immediately call the main function but schedule/queue it.
What's this behavior called in Javascript language? Where can I read more about it. Is this common for every programming language?
What I have tried:
Things I've read from chatGPT
requestAnimationFrame is a method that schedules a function to be called before the next repaint of the browser window. It does not immediately call the function, but rather adds it to a queue of functions to be called at a later time. This allows the browser to update the screen at a consistent frame rate, while also allowing other tasks to be performed in between frames.
When window.requestAnimationFrame(main) runs inside the main function, it calls web api which runs outside of main thread and places the callback in queue and then result is obtained, meanwhile parallely other code (code below "window.requestAnimationFrame(main)" are running and hence the "if" parts gets executed.