Hello Everone,
I am using Full Text Search for our Search Algorithm.
Description: Say there is a table called as Table1 which contains following columns
Pls. Note: Columns of Table1 are given in veritical fashion to have a better visiblity in the question.
Id (Column 1)
Name (Column 2)
Repair shop
Mercedes Benz
Description (Column3)
Maruti Suzuki Car
Chemical used to compose polythene
Motor car repair shop
I have given full text index on Name and Description columns of Table1
From webpage I enter a keyword to search which should either be in Name or Description or both. I am using FREETEXTTABLE predicate for this.
For example say I searched for "Car" it will list down all the above results from Id 1 to 4 because it will search for the keyword "car" which is there in all the rows.
Howwever, "car" in "Polycarbonate" (Id=2) is not relevant to my search, hence I want only 3 records that is Id = 1,3,4. But I am unable to find any solution to avoid such situation using my current implementation.
Can you please help me out on this. This is very urgent requirement.
Thanks in advance.
Have a nice day.