While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us to do it all for you.
So we need you to do the work, and we will help you when you get stuck. That doesn't mean we will give you a step by step solution you can hand in!
Start by explaining where you are at the moment, and what the next step in the process is. Then tell us what you have tried to get that next step working, and what happened when you did.
What you need to do is not a quiz: a quiz has one right answer and one or more wrong ones.
Your task is simpler: a question, a response from the user, and a comment based on that response:
1) Print "Pick one: A, B, or C"
2) Get user input -> Choice
3) Decide what to do based on the input
3.1) If Choice is "A" Print "A is pointy"
3.2) Else if Choice is "B" Print "B is bit like an '8'"
3.2) Else if Choice is "C" Print "C is curvy"
3.3) Otherwise
3.3.1) Print "I don't understand that"
3.3.2) Go back round to (1)
4) Exit
So think about the problem in those terms, based on what you have been shown on your course so far.
If you are having problems getting started at all, then this may help:
How to Write Code to Solve a Problem, A Beginner's Guide[