A float has two parts: the integer portion (which in your case holds the minutes) and the fractional portion (which holds your seconds). Since you need an integer number of seconds as a result, start by extracting the minutes:
int mins = (int) myTime;
Then get the seconds. First remove the minutes:
float justSecs = myTime - mins;
Then "promote" the seconds to the integer portion:
int secs = (int)(justSecs * 100.0f);
You can reduce this to two lines:
int mins = (int) myTime;
int secs = (int)((myTime - mins) * 100.0f);
But I wouldn;t reduce it any further as you probably want to check if teh seconds is valid: i.e. between 0 and 59 inclusive.
Generating the total seconds is then trivial:
int totalSecs = mins * 60 + secs;
And you can do whatever maths you need with that.