E.g. Resize an 8000x8000 big size image to 500x500 small size image, below C# .NET methods were tested:
1. Bitmap smallimg = new Bitmap(bigimg, 500, 500);
2. Bitmap smallimg = bigimg.GetThumbnailImage(500, 500, ...);
3. Bitmap smallimg = new Bitmap(500, 500);
Graphics.FromImage(smallimg).DrawImage(bigimg, 0, 0, 500, 500);
Above methods all cost about 400~500 milliseconds time. It is too slow.
Any method can speed up the image resizing?
Include using Intel Graphics HD 520 capacity (e.g. DirectX 12).
What I have tried:
PictureBox pb = new PictureBox();
pb.Image = bigimg; // 8000x8000 image
pb.DrawToBitmap(...) is also very slow.