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bsq -- finds and prints the biggest square in a map

must find the largest possible square on a board while avoiding obstacles. The board is represented by a file passed as the program’s argument, respecting those constraints:

• Its first line contains the number of lines on the board (and only that),
• . (representing an empty place) and "o" (representing an obstacle) are the only two allowed characters for the other lines
• All of the lines will be the same length (except the first one)
• There will always be at least one line
• Each line is terminated by \n.

You program must print the board, with some "." replaced by "x" to represent the largest square you found.


What I have tried:


char* take_name(int size, char** array){
    char* name = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)* 18);
    int y = 1;
    name = array[y];
    return name;

char* take_content(char* name){
    char* str = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*400), *number = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*50);
    int fd = open(name,O_RDONLY), shower, in = 0 ;
    char a;
    while((shower = read(fd, &a, 1)) != 0){
        if(a== 'o' || a == '.' || a == '\n')
        str[in++] = a;
    return str;

void remark_condition(char* content){

void main_procedures(char* content, int size_row_line){


void my_bsq(int size, char** array){
    char*name = take_name(size, array);
    char* content = take_content(name);
    printf("%s\n", content);
    int  sized = 5;
    main_procedures(content, sized);

int* ar(char** arra){
    int num[20], i = 0, ins = 0;
    for(int y = 0; arra[y]; y++){
        for(int k = 0; arra[y][k]; k++){
            if(arra[y][k] == '.'){
                num[y] = 1;
            else if(arra[y][k] == 'o'){
                num[y] = 0;
    return num;

int main(int ac, char** array){
    my_bsq(ac, array);
    return 0;

I tried but i am facing with a problem when I have to work with integer matrix
Updated 23-Feb-23 5:53am
Richard MacCutchan 23-Feb-23 9:22am    
"but i am facing with a problem"
You need to explain exactly what the problem is and where it occurs. Please use the Improve question link above, and add complete details of what is not working.

1 solution

Assume you have the board
and suppose your starting position is (row, col) = (1,1).
At (1,1) there is no obstacle, hence you may occupy it and set area = 1:
Now try to expand your square in the left-down direction. since (1,2), (2,2), (2,1) don't contain obstacles. occupy them
and set yor area = 4.
Going on, you may find that (1,3), (2,3), (3,3), (3,2), (3,1) don't contain any obstacle. Occupy them:
and set area = 9
Now, trying to continue, you find the first obstacle, at (3,4), so you have to stop and say that max area, for top-left square starting from (1,1) is 9.

Iterating such process starting from all the square of the board (keeping track of the max area found) gives you a brute force approach (that can be easily optimized).
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