I have a function that divides the values of a numeric column into the specified number of bins/categories, based on the ranges they fall into. These categories are numbered from 0 to the limit specified. And the column values are replaced with their category number. I implemented the binning function which worked fine. I now want to display the ranges the column values get divided into. Following is what I tried:
What I have tried:
Binning function code:
def binning_fun_cut(df, binning_inputs):
col_name = binning_inputs[0]
num_of_bins = binning_inputs[1]
range_table = pd.value_counts(df[col_name], bins=num_of_bins, sort=False)
belief = range_table.to_dict()
df[col_name] = pd.cut(df[col_name], bins=num_of_bins, labels=range(num_of_bins)).astype(str)
result_dict = df.to_dict(orient='records')
for record in result_dict:
for key, value in record.items():
if isinstance(value, float):
record[key] = str(value)
return {'Range of binned': belief, 'dataf': result_dict}
ValueError: [TypeError("'pandas._libs.interval.Interval' object is not iterable"), TypeError('vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute')]
Expected output (for the variable 'belief'):
(1.004, 1.01] 7
(1.01, 1.015] 159
(1.015, 1.02] 106
(1.02, 1.025] 81
How do I get the expected output?