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i am working on a project in C++ WinForms. i have a blur and defocused Image. i want to make that image more focused and sharpened but smooth and clean as this Image. this image enhanced in mobile application. and i want the same result as this image.
if anyone can help or guide then it will be must appreciated!!!

What I have tried:

i have made a WinForms C++ project and using open cv i am trying to make image more detailed focused and sharp. i have used filter2D() and bilateralFilter() function and i am getting the result Image. still this is not the result i want.

here is my source code that i have tried.

void enhanceImage(Mat& inputImage, Mat& outputImage)
			try {
				// Code to enhance image using OpenCV functions goes here
				// For example, sharpening the image:
				Mat kernel = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0);
				filter2D(inputImage, outputImage, -1, kernel);
			catch (System::Exception^ex)
				// handle the exception
				MessageBox::Show("An error occurred: " + ex->Message);

void removeNoise(Mat& inputImage, Mat& outputImage)
			try {
				// Apply a bilateral filter to smooth the edges
				bilateralFilter(inputImage, outputImage, 9, 75, 75);
			catch (System::Exception^ ex)
				// handle the exception
				MessageBox::Show("An error occurred: " + ex->Message);

private: System::Void EnhanceBn_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
		try {

			string folderPath = msclr::interop::marshal_as<string>(dialog->SelectedPath);
			int numFiles = std::distance(std::filesystem::directory_iterator(folderPath), std::filesystem::directory_iterator());

			progressBar->Minimum = 0;
			progressBar->Maximum = numFiles;
			progressBar->Value = 0;

			int i = 0;
			// Loop through all files in the selected folder
			for (const auto& file : filesystem::directory_iterator(folderPath))
				// Load image using OpenCV
				Mat inputImage = imread(file.path().string());

				// Create output image
				Mat outputImage;
				Mat enhancedImage;

				// Enhance image
				enhanceImage(inputImage, enhancedImage);
				removeNoise(enhancedImage, outputImage);
				string savefolderPath = msclr::interop::marshal_as<string>(savedialog->SelectedPath);
				// Save enhanced image to new folder
				string outputPath = savefolderPath + "\\" + file.path().filename().string();
				imwrite(outputPath, outputImage);

				label->Text = i.ToString();
				progressBar->Value = i;
			label->Text = "Processing completed!";
			MessageBox::Show("images enhanced sucessfully");
			progressBar->Value = 0;
		catch (System::Exception^ ex)
			// handle the exception
			MessageBox::Show("An error occurred: " + ex->Message);

Shao Voon Wong 23-Mar-23 3:07am    
You can try tweaking the kernel and the parameters. But before you do that, please understand what they do first.
[no name] 26-Mar-23 1:20am    
Trail and error. Once you have enough trials, you can use machine learning. (e.g. is it an orange or a orange beach ball)

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