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Slider in mfc visual studio can have only 100 like maximum range or others value? Like 1500?
I wrote:

m_slider.SetRange(0, 1500);

but maximum range is always 100..

I know that maximum range is 100 because:
void CDlgEntryPoint::OnNMCustomdrawSlider1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

	int value = m_slider.GetPos();

	*pResult = 0;

and value is 100 when I have maximum range

What I have tried:

I tried to use code that I wrote above
Updated 28-Mar-23 11:02am
CHill60 28-Mar-23 10:15am    
How did you create m_slider and what happens when to try to use the code that you wrote - be specific
Member 14594285 28-Mar-23 10:17am    
I saw that range is always 100 and not 1500
Richard MacCutchan 28-Mar-23 10:43am    
You can set the range to anything you like.
Richard MacCutchan 28-Mar-23 12:26pm    
I have just tried the same with a non-MFC slider (which is the same underlying control) and it does what I expect. Your problem may have something to do with the fact that you are using a custom drawn control. But since we cannot see all your code that is a wild guess.
Shao Voon Wong 29-Mar-23 4:57am    
You can print and view the m_slider.GetPos() output in the debug window or DebugView.

char buf[250];
sprintf_s(buf, "m_slider.GetPos() : %d\n", m_slider.GetPos());

As has already been pointed out to you, the method of the CSliderCtrl class to call is SetRange. If I were you, I would approach this problem in two phases. First, use a standard slider control, not owner drawn, and make sure you can set its range and get its position and value correctly. You may want to use this old article I wrote, A smart edit and linked slider control[^] as a testbed to accomplish this. After you have that working, then I would change it to be owner drawn. The key thing here is to separate the functionality so that you can verify one thing is not affecting the other.
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Member 14594285 29-Mar-23 5:26am    
I an other part of software was set to 0,100 so range didn't change
[no name] 30-Mar-23 4:51am    
tất cả chuyện đó đều bình thường,không có gì gọi là phhá hoại cả.
Rick York 30-Mar-23 18:10pm    
Great, I am glad to read that you succeeded.
Assuming you are using the MFC CSlider control, you can change the range: CSliderCtrl Class - SetRange method | Microsoft Learn[^]
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Member 14594285 28-Mar-23 10:57am    
I use SetRange but I don't understand because range doesn't change, I put this function inside OnInitDialog
jeron1 28-Mar-23 11:14am    
Have you tried setting the third parameter in SetRange() to true?
Richard MacCutchan 28-Mar-23 11:31am    
How do you know it does not change?
Member 14594285 28-Mar-23 11:33am    
because I put a breakpoint when position is 100, and I saw that 100 is the maximum range
Richard MacCutchan 28-Mar-23 11:46am    
How did you see that 100 is the maximum range? As I stated above you can set the maximum range to any value up to 65535 as stated in the documentation.

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