To add to what Patrice has said ... don't do it like that! Never store passwords in clear text - it is a major security risk. There is some information on how to do it here:
Password Storage: How to do it.[
And remember: if you have any European Union users then GDPR applies and that means you need to handle passwords as sensitive data and store them in a safe and secure manner. Text is neither of those and the fines can be .... um ... outstanding. In December 2018 a German company received a relatively low fine of €20,000 for just that.
And why are you retrieving all the Login info for all users when you load a user? There is another security problem just waiting for you to fall into it.
At the moment, it's not a major problem, because you discard the data as soon as you read it, but at some point you will actually use it, and at that point you risk exposing user data to everybody and there is a huge amount of Data Protection legislation around that!