i have the parameters of diamonds are Diameter, girdle, crown angle, crown height, bottom angle(pavilion angle), table diameter.
i want to draw a diamond using this parameters. I am drawing diamond using points. where i have defined start point. and after i have ++ and -- the value of points to draw diamond. currently i am not using these parameters to draw diamond but i want to draw diamond using the parameters, in short i want to change the size of the diamond using the parameters. in form load event i have currently assigned the static parameters.
GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Diameter = 1.37;
GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.CrownAngle = 34.31;
GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.CrownHeight = 10.00;
GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.BottomAngle = 41.00;
GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Girdle = 3.60;
GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Table = 70.69;
i dont know more how to draw using these parameters.
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What I have tried:
private void icVideo_OverlayUpdate(object sender, ICImagingControl.OverlayUpdateEventArgs e)
this.ob = e.overlay;
this.CentX = this.icVideo.Width / 2;
this.CentY = this.icVideo.Height / 2;
this.ob.DropOutColor = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta;
this.ob.Enable = true;
this.ob.FontBackColor = this.ob.DropOutColor;
this.ob.FontTransparent = false;
bool bdrawgraph = true;
int x0_2 = 12;
int y0_2 = 10;
this.ob.Font = new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold);
this.ob.DrawText(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, x0_2, y0_2, "Diameter : " + GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Diameter);
this.ob.DrawText(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, x0_2, y0_2 + 15, "CrownAngle : " + GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.CrownAngle);
this.ob.DrawText(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, x0_2, y0_2 + 30, "CrownHeight : " + GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.CrownHeight);
this.ob.DrawText(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, x0_2, y0_2 + 45, "BottomAngle : " + GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.BottomAngle);
this.ob.DrawText(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, x0_2, y0_2 + 60, "Girdle : " + GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Girdle);
this.ob.DrawText(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, x0_2, y0_2 + 75, "Table : " + GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Table);
Point start = new Point(340, 374);
Color RedPen = Color.Red;
double gird = GlobalManagement.Instance.objDiamond.Girdle;
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X, start.Y, start.X - 57, start.Y - 79);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X, start.Y, start.X + 57, start.Y - 79);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X - 57, start.Y - 79, start.X + 57, start.Y - 79);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X - 57, start.Y - 99, start.X - 57, start.Y - 79);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X + 57, start.Y - 99, start.X + 57, start.Y - 79);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X - 57, start.Y - 99, start.X + 57, start.Y - 99);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X + 57, start.Y - 99, start.X + 36, start.Y - 119);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X - 57, start.Y - 99, start.X - 36, start.Y - 119);
DrawLine(RedPen, start.X - 36, start.Y - 119, start.X + 36, start.Y - 119);
double pixelLengthTable = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((start.X +36) - (start.X - 36), 2) + Math.Pow((start.Y-119) - (start.Y-119), 2));
double pixelLengthDiameter = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((start.X + 57) - (start.X - 57), 2) + Math.Pow((start.Y - 99) - (start.Y - 99), 2));
double percentageT = pixelLengthTable / Math.Max(icVideo.Width, icVideo.Height) * 100.0;
double percentageD = pixelLengthDiameter / Math.Max(icVideo.Width, icVideo.Height) * 100.0;
MessageBox.Show("Drawing Error : vg");